Ser e Agir
58' | HD | 16:9 | 2014
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of “25 de Abril”, Vende-se Filmes produced SER E AGIR, a film that portrays the life of João Pedro Miller Guerra, neurologist, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon and a Liberal Wing deputy in the National Assembly, who paved the way for democratic transformations, culminating in the 1974 revolution.
“During many years, my grandfather was just my grandfather, but to other people my grandfather was special. Growing up I realized that “côco”, as we grandchildren called him, made important thing in the eyes of grown-ups. In this film, I depart from the typical movies in which the grandchild discovers the grandparent, as I have discovered mine many years ago. My goal now is to share him with others. Framing his journey through a historical time and as a contribute to the reflection on “25 de Abril de 1974”. Introducing, along with some interviewed guests, the doctor, politician and, most of all, the man João Pedro Miller Guerra was.” – JOÃO MILLER GUERRA (director)
realização: João Miller Guerra
produção: Emídio Miguel
pesquisa: Maria Zulmira Miller Guerra, Manuel Luís Marinho Antunes
imagem: Manuel Loureiro
som: Ruben Santiago
montagem: Tomás Baltazar
arquivo super 8: Artur Varatojo
correção de cor: Jennifer Mendes
produtora: Filipa Reis / Vende-se Filmes