Out of the Woodwork
26x25' | HD | 16:9 | 2016
OUT OF THE WOODWORK is a documentary series starring carpenters, artists, craftsmen and designer from different generations that show us the secrets of their art. With them we’ll learn to understand and value one of the most noble and sustainable raw materials that man have been working with since the beginning of time: wood. From artisanal techniques to modern technology, from restoration to recycling furniture, from classic to contemporary design, from buying the wood to choosing the best products to finish it, each episode opens the doors to a new workshop, presenting step-by-step the creation of a unique wood piece.
created by: Teresa Paixão, Vende-se Filmes
directed by: Cláudia Varejão, Leonor Teles, Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra, André Costa and Paulo Menezes
production: Filipa Reis
production manager: Daniela Soares
production assistant: Rita Laranjeira
content: Inês Abreu
graphic design: André Sentieiro
animation: Francisco Carvalho
original song by: Ricardo Cabral
cinematography: André Costa e Paulo Menezes
sound: Rúben Costa, Rafael Gonçalves Cardoso
editors: Marlene Santos, Francisco Carvalho, Inês Pott
assistant editor: João Pereira
post-production coordinator: Catarina Lino
soud mixing: Rúben Costa