Europa 30

6x40' | HD | 16:9 | 2016


1986-2016: 30 years after the country joined the EEC, what has changed in Portugal? What challenges lay ahead, what expectations and frustrations, what paths and strategies?

A 6-film series that aims to contribute to an assessment of these 30 years and deepen the debate about a European Portugal and its position in relation to a European society of 28 countries, at a time when Europe is at an impasse and revealing its contradictions.


authors: Severiano Teixeira and David Castaño
scriptwriters: Joana Pontes, David Castaño, Catarina Fernandes Martins
director: Joana Pontes
archive research: Maria João Torgal
research: Catarina Fernandes Martins
cinematography: João Pedro Plácido, Rui Xavier, Vasco Viana
sound: Armanda Carvalho
editing: Rui Branquinho, Catarina Lino
interviews: David Castaño, Catarina Fernandes Martins, Joana Pontes
producer: Patrícia Faria
production: Vende-se Filmes | Filipa Reis
